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 What Next?


The Sum Will…

Send you a the link and PDA access code within 24 hours (if you do not receive it for any reason, please contact us).

Complete the PDA (Power of Difference Assessment) at your convenience.

The assessment consists of 70 statements with which you are asked to indicate your level of agreement. This takes 15 to 20 minutes. It’s best to take it in a quiet environment with few distractions.

At the conclusion you will be sent to a calendar where you can schedule your consultation at a convenient time. The consultation usually takes about an hour.

For More Information:

If you want summary information on the Power of Difference Model visit this webpage or for even more detailed information visit here.

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Take the Race Pattern Quiz (RPQ)


Discover your primary unconscious pattern related to race. Learn the assets and learning edges of all three patterns.


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