Partners: Corporate Partners and Individual Donors
BUILD WITH US the foundation for a thriving & just world where our aliveness, commonality & our differences are honored and unleashed.
1. PARTNER with us on a grant to pay for your people to get The Sum’s assessment and training support.
2. BECOME a corporate sponsor.
3. DONATE! (details below)
HELP US REACH OUR GOAL this fall, 37 $5 monthly donors covers all our baseline operating expenses.
DONATE ANY AMOUNT: one time, monthly, or yearly–choose the programs you want to support. Details below.
37 30 individual
donors remaining!

…or scan QR code

Individual Donor Tiers
1. Keystone: Over $50 monthly/$600 yearly
2. Pillar: Over $25 monthly/$300 yearly
3. Cornerstone: Over $5 monthly/$60 yearly
4. Foundation: All other donors!
See what comes back to you below!
Corporate Partner Tiers
1. Pyramid: Over $400 monthly/$4800 yearly
2. Colloseum: Over $300 monthly/$3600 yearly
3. Stonehenge: Over $200 monthly/$2400 yearly
4. Rosetta Stone: $100 monthly/$1200 yearly
See what comes back to you below!

Individual Donors
Tier 1: Keystone
- Name of choice “etched in stone” on this partnership page
- 3 t-shirts, 6 bumper stickers, 2 coffee mugs, 3 “leveraging” refrigerator magnets—all with The Sum logo
- Your choice of a “Digital Badge” or actual plaque gratefully acknowledging your support
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for three people of your choice
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 2: Pillar
- Name of choice “etched in stone” on this partnership page
- 1 t-shirt, 4 bumper stickers, 1 coffee mugs, 1 “leveraging” refrigerator magnets—all with The Sum logo
- A “Digital Badge” gratefully acknowledging your support
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for you or one person of your choice
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 3: Cornerstone
- Name of choice “etched in stone” on this partnership page
- 1 t-shirt, 2 bumper stickers, 1 coffee mugs, 1 “leveraging” refrigerator magnets—all with The Sum logo
- A “Digital Badge” gratefully acknowledging your support
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 4: Foundation
- Name of choice “etched in stone” on this partnership page
- Your choice of a t-shirt, coffee mug, “leveraging” refrigerator magnet—all with The Sum logo
- A “Digital Badge” gratefully acknowledging your support
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
Corporate Partners
Tier 1: Pyramid
- Organization’s name recognized on partnership page
- 2 Social Media Posts about partnership on all social media platforms
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- Promotional ads in quarterly newsletters/emails
- Online “digital badge” or plaque for workplace gratefully acknowledging your partnership
- 5 t-shirts, 20 bumper stickers, 10 coffee mugs, 3 “leveraging” refrigerator magnets—all with The Sum logo
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for up to 10 people from your organization
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 2: Colosseum
- Organization’s name recognized on partnership page
- 2 Social Media Posts about partnership on all social media platforms
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- Promotional ads in quarterly newsletters/emails
- Online “digital badge” or plaque for workplace gratefully acknowledging your partnership
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for up to 10 people from your organization
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 3: Stonehenge
- Organization’s name recognized on partnership page
- 2 Social Media Posts about partnership on all social media platforms
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletter
- Online “digital badge” or plaque for workplace gratefully acknowledging your partnership
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for up to 5 people from your organization
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
Tier 4: Rosetta Stone
- Organization’s name recognized on partnership page
- 2 Social Media Posts about partnership on all social media platforms
- 12 months of acknowledgment in newsletters
- Online “digital badge” or plaque for workplace gratefully acknowledging your partnership
- All workshops for one year – online or in-person are free for three people of your choice
- Acknowledgement on all event announcements and at all events
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