We guarantee it is going to feel really good!

Find out your primary pattern (free!)

We guarantee it  is going to feel really good!

Find out your primary pattern (free!)



Take the Power of Difference Assessment (PDA) HALF-PRICE until July 15, including an hour-long-online consultation ($200 value)

J. Elliott Butler-Cisneros MEd, Carla Sherrell, EdD ~ 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©

Complete the form below and we will send you an access code to our online assessment within 24 hours.

More information on the  Power of Difference Model (PDM) and General Pricing Information is below the form.

Please contact us with any questions.

What’s the PDA?

The PDA is a groundbreaking online tool that:

  • measures individual’s and group’s unconscious patterns related to race, sexual orientation, religion, gender, disability, class, and culture as described by the Power of Difference Model (see a summary of the PDM below).
  • Is asset-based and is a scientifically valid and reliable assessment.
  • Identifies areas of strength and specific areas for growth.
  • Can be used as a pre and post measurement, strategic plan accountability, and/or as a coaching tool.


  • The PDA supports people in becoming aware of how the patterns of the PDM (see below) operate within us, between us, and in our communities, organizations, and society.
  • It gives us a kind of “map” of our patterns and our learning edges –without blame and shame!
  • This awareness allows us to integrate the assets all three primary patterns for greater effectiveness across differences and greater clarity of purpose.
  • From here, meaning ful systemic change is engendered.

See the PDA study summary from North Carolina State University:

9 + 13 =

Choose your field for special pricing (standard pricing is below):

The Power of Difference Model (PDM) in 4 Points


1. The PDM identifies 3 primary patterns of behavior, thought, feeling, and worldview related to our differences of race, sexual orientation, gender, socio-economic class, religion, disability, and ethnicity.  We call these patterns: Sensitivity, Oneness, and Strength

2. Each one has assets and limitations as well a learning edge. The primary learning edge for Sensitivity is Strength, for Strength it’s Oneness, and for Oneness it’s Sensitivity

3. These patterns operate unconsciously within us, between us, in our communities, organizations, and society. They both reproduce and are reproduced from systems embedded with the same patterns. Each appears to conflict with the other two and this tension between them effectively creates and maintains a “dysfunctional balance” within us, in our families, organizations, cultures, and institutions.

4. By becoming aware of these internal patterns and learning to integrate and “leverage” the assets of all three patterns, individuals report greater:

  • effectiveness across difference
  • flexibility to leverage assets from any or all of the patterns as needed
  • recognition of one’s own privilege and how to use it effectively
  • Impact, generally, across differences as intended
  • solidarity across differences
  • pride without prejudice
  • ability to refuse silence and violence.
  • ability, clarity, and courage to withdraw participation in violent aspects of systems
  • capacity to catalyze meaningful systemic change w/o effort
  • internal stability…less rising and falling on external conditions
  • clarity, empowerment, and fulfillment
  • ability to hold others accountable to increased internal integration w/o blame or shame

 Standard Pricing (contact us for special field specific pricing & for our sliding scale)


1. Model Introduction:

An hour-long model introduction (online or in person) can be helpful for organizations in developing a common conceptual framework and language; learn the patterns of the PDM, and how they play out within individuals and in organizations.


2.  Group assessment:

A group assessment typically follows a Model Introduction and take a week or two to allow group members to take the PDA as their schedule allows. Then a single, whole-group consultation  (online for about an hour) presents the aggregate of all the individual’s scores in order to make recommendations for the group or organziation.

$40 per person to be assessed and incuded in the group results;

$900 for a group consultation.

              (some organizations cover the cost of individual’s consultations, subsidize the cost, or leave it to individuals to cover the cost)


3.  Individual Assessment/Consultation:

The group consultation is often followed by, and creates a demand for, individual consultations.

$200 per person for individual consultations (minus cost of group participation – so $160).



Contact us to arrange a group or multiple individual PDA’s.


“As a person who is always engaged in inclusion work, whether it be in my job or in my life; sometimes we need to be reminded to take care of ourselves. This Power of Difference Assessment helped me to refocus how I give of myself. I don’t have to give myself away. I was able to take a breath for my sake! Still carrying my torch!

Phyllis Breland
Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Hamilton College, Clinton, New York

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